Online Workshops

Brooks Palmer Online Courses

My courses are available on the meditation app Insight Timer.

Connecting With Your Aliveness. It’s wonderful to be alive. To feel the flow of life through us. To notice our breathing, to feel our heartbeat. The life force is present in us. Life must love us to fill us so full of life. We are eternally blessed. This talk discusses the many things that make us feel blessed during this life experience.

Clutter Busting: An Inspiring Story of Letting Go and Transformation. In this class, I share the transformative letting go journey of my double-lung transplant. Something near and dear to me was no longer serving me. By letting it go, I was given the greatest gift of my life. I hope you are inspired by my experience.

You’re Enough As You Are. You’re enough as you are. You’re alive. You exist. You’re here. That makes you enough. No matter what’s happening in your life. It’s easy to forget our value because the world is always telling us what we need to do, have, and be to be okay. But the truth is you’re enough right now because you’re here.

It’s Nice to Be Here.Discover what it means to be here. Your here-ness, the feeling of presence in the moment. What it means to be alive. Your aliveness. When you reconnect with your being alive and here, you feel complete. You’re okay with yourself. The pains and sorrows of life diminish. You’re at home.

The Life Force Meditation. In this meditation we’ll experience the Life Force in our bodies and in our lives. The Life Force rotates planets around the Sun, at the same time it beats our hearts and breathes our lungs. Connecting with this feeling of Aliveness, we connect with the Universe.

The Current of Life Within You. The source of life permeates you. The same current that rotates planets around the sun moves through you. It animates your every action, thought, and feeling. It breathes you and beats your heart. You are connected with this life force.

Let Go of What Doesn’t Fit Your Life in 30 Days. This course will take you through a daily deep and intimate look at your life. Through compassion, awareness, and discrimination, every area of your life will be curiously examined, with the goal of finding and removing anything that doesn’t fit your life. In this looking you will also discover and appreciate the oft-overlooked gifts and treasures life has given you. After a month of this creative and compassionate introspection you will have begun to remove the clutter from your life, opening the door to personal freedom, creativity, and peace of mind. You will learn how to take care of your own needs and see that life cares about you and loves you as you are. You will learn how to notice when any area of your life is no longer serving you, and ultimately how to take back your life.

Clutter Busting: Let Go of What’s Holding You Back. This 10-day course will help you take a deep, thorough, and kind look at what’s no longer serving you in your life and help you let it go. You’ll find that when you let go of the clutter of what’s not for you, you get back your life and feel free again. With your renewed sense of aliveness at the end of the course, you will take with you a valuable sense of your own sacredness to use for the rest of your life.

Being Kind to Yourself. This recording helps you be kind to yourself. The wonderful thing about kindness is it makes us feel wonderful. It’s a beautiful act of love to show ourselves kindness. We deserve this kindness because we are alive.